Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My Biography

My name is Faisal Ghazi Husain AlObaidi, and I’m 19 years old. I’m a higher diploma student at HCT (Higher colleges of Technologies) Abu Dhabi Men's College and my major is IT (Business). This blog that I made is a task for my English lesson and although I’m not too enthusiastic about it but I have to do a blog and talk about and discuss the phenomenon Global Warming that is occurring in our era.

In this first post in my blog I’ll tell you about myself and what I like and dislike.

I like computers and subjects related to them and what I like more is to learn useful information and things that helps me in my daily life. What I dislike the most is learning useless stuff that won’t benefit me in any way in the present or the future in my life.

Reading and playing various sports are sometimes fun and good for a change instead of doing one thing routinely and repeatedly.

1 comment:

Eid Al Qubaisi said...

Hi Faso0o0oL

I wish that you can complete these tasks

Go0o0oD Luck