Sunday, May 13, 2007

Causes of Global Warming

Have you ever thought of the causes that afflict the planet and torments it? and do you know that these very causes can destroy the lots of lives in most parts of the world? let us start and look and these causes.
  • One of the major causes of global warming is human activities as evidence has pointed out for decades. one of the methods that humans used to contribute in this phenomenon was creating greenhouse gases and other elements that increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere that -as scientists discovered- increases global mean temperature. Also, burning fossil fuels, coals and smoke emitted from cars, trucks, motorcycles and other motor engines contribute immensely in Global warming. Nevertheless, cutting down trees and forests for the sake of technology without planting trees and plants to replace the chopped ones when plants and vegetation absorb carbon dioxide in the surroundings is a wrong act because carbon dioxide is one of the major elements that confines and increase the global temperature of the planet.
  • One cause of global warming which is greenhouse gases has contributed heavily in the increase of climate change by preventing the reflected sun radiations to leave the earth's atmosphere which confines the heat that reaches the earth and collects the heat continuously which cause global warming and major increase in the earth's temperature. After all, even though greenhouse gases help in nurturing the plants and make them produce ripe fruit in a short time, greenhouse gases have more disadvantages than advantages so scientists believe that greenhouses should cease to exist and look for alternatives for nurturing plants without using greenhouse gases or noxious elements that increases the global mean temperature.

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