Monday, May 28, 2007


I believe that i learned a lot about global warming for the past few months. I believe that Global Warming is not at a dangerous level in the present but it shall if its effects continue to increase more than it should be, and people should do some measures to reduce this phenomenon by searching and inventing other materials and inventions that serve as alternatives to the harmful gadgets we use in this age that causes the effects of Global Warming and also to support the planet-friendly products that help reduce global warming instead of increasing this phenomenon.

Individual Action

Have you ever thought of actually doing something to help in reducing the effects of Global Warming by reducing or stopping the causes that individuals can do something about them.
There are many actions that individuals can do towards global warming.

One is to reduce using products that affect the planet negatively by producing elements that increases global warming. Another is to save and not waste energy to reduce the negative effects of producing energies that has on climate change. Also, supporting products and other things that don't have side-effects on our planet's atmosphere and habitat. Finally, planting greens and trees is considered a positive action that helps in solving global warming by absorbing many negative elements in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide etc.

UAE and Global Warming

I was interested in what Global Warming may affect the UAE and found an article in this website:
and it was an interesting article and encouraging and said that an Australian
scientist thought of a way to save the planet from global warming by making the ocean bloom with microscopic plants that can absorb carbon dioxide and he set UAE as a base for his project. Moreover, scientists believe that the ocean is an important place to save our planet from Global Warming by the sea plants that absorb CO2 every year.

I believe that it is to our advantage that there are optimistic opinions and thoughts that may result to saving our planet from this phenomenon.

Effects of Global Warming

Have you ever considered the consequences of your actions that may afflict the planet and destroy it along with innocent lives? I will now describe the effects of this phenomenon that affects and afflicts our planet and our lives.

  • The primary negative effects of this phenomenon that occurred during the last century are many, one of them is that the earth's temperature has increased drastically in many parts of the world and faces drought, humidity, climate change and destruction of the habitat. Also, ice is melting in the Antarctic and life in these parts of the world are at stake such as polar bears who in some cases drown due to lack of land to rest on which is the melting ice. In Addition, sea levels have risen a lot since the last decade and it might get bad if it continues to rise because some areas may experience floods, disappearance of land, death of animals who live on ice in the antarctic which is melting and other dilemmas.

  • One effect of global warming is ice melting which is a serious matter since the melting of ice means continuous rise in sea levels which could result in floods and also the destruction of the homes of the animals who live on such a habitat which may also result in their death by drowning since there may not be land or ice to rest on. Also, statistics show that ice has been melting rapidly in the last decades which means that the melting of ice may be the most notable effect of global warming. Therefore, ice melting is considered an important issue that need attention so that humans and animals don't lose homes and even their lives.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Causes of Global Warming

Have you ever thought of the causes that afflict the planet and torments it? and do you know that these very causes can destroy the lots of lives in most parts of the world? let us start and look and these causes.
  • One of the major causes of global warming is human activities as evidence has pointed out for decades. one of the methods that humans used to contribute in this phenomenon was creating greenhouse gases and other elements that increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere that -as scientists discovered- increases global mean temperature. Also, burning fossil fuels, coals and smoke emitted from cars, trucks, motorcycles and other motor engines contribute immensely in Global warming. Nevertheless, cutting down trees and forests for the sake of technology without planting trees and plants to replace the chopped ones when plants and vegetation absorb carbon dioxide in the surroundings is a wrong act because carbon dioxide is one of the major elements that confines and increase the global temperature of the planet.
  • One cause of global warming which is greenhouse gases has contributed heavily in the increase of climate change by preventing the reflected sun radiations to leave the earth's atmosphere which confines the heat that reaches the earth and collects the heat continuously which cause global warming and major increase in the earth's temperature. After all, even though greenhouse gases help in nurturing the plants and make them produce ripe fruit in a short time, greenhouse gases have more disadvantages than advantages so scientists believe that greenhouses should cease to exist and look for alternatives for nurturing plants without using greenhouse gases or noxious elements that increases the global mean temperature.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What is Global Warming?

As most people know, Global Warming is a phenomenon that is endangering our lives and mostly our descendants lives. I will give you an introduction on this phenomenon that is occurring in our present day and is increasing every day.

Global Warming is generally an ongoing increase in our earth's temperature and it's getting increasingly hot, and the major causes for this phenomenon are mostly human activities which means that humans are destroying the earth along with their lives by not caring about their environment and surroundings and by creating many things that contribute in Global Warming such as creating greenhouse gases.

The effects of Global Warming are getting more prominent since they are affecting many parts of earth such as the melting ice in the Antarctic. Also, sea levels have elevated a lot since the last decade and it might get bad if it continues to rise because some areas may have floods and other difficulties.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

My Biography

My name is Faisal Ghazi Husain AlObaidi, and I’m 19 years old. I’m a higher diploma student at HCT (Higher colleges of Technologies) Abu Dhabi Men's College and my major is IT (Business). This blog that I made is a task for my English lesson and although I’m not too enthusiastic about it but I have to do a blog and talk about and discuss the phenomenon Global Warming that is occurring in our era.

In this first post in my blog I’ll tell you about myself and what I like and dislike.

I like computers and subjects related to them and what I like more is to learn useful information and things that helps me in my daily life. What I dislike the most is learning useless stuff that won’t benefit me in any way in the present or the future in my life.

Reading and playing various sports are sometimes fun and good for a change instead of doing one thing routinely and repeatedly.