Monday, May 28, 2007

Effects of Global Warming

Have you ever considered the consequences of your actions that may afflict the planet and destroy it along with innocent lives? I will now describe the effects of this phenomenon that affects and afflicts our planet and our lives.

  • The primary negative effects of this phenomenon that occurred during the last century are many, one of them is that the earth's temperature has increased drastically in many parts of the world and faces drought, humidity, climate change and destruction of the habitat. Also, ice is melting in the Antarctic and life in these parts of the world are at stake such as polar bears who in some cases drown due to lack of land to rest on which is the melting ice. In Addition, sea levels have risen a lot since the last decade and it might get bad if it continues to rise because some areas may experience floods, disappearance of land, death of animals who live on ice in the antarctic which is melting and other dilemmas.

  • One effect of global warming is ice melting which is a serious matter since the melting of ice means continuous rise in sea levels which could result in floods and also the destruction of the homes of the animals who live on such a habitat which may also result in their death by drowning since there may not be land or ice to rest on. Also, statistics show that ice has been melting rapidly in the last decades which means that the melting of ice may be the most notable effect of global warming. Therefore, ice melting is considered an important issue that need attention so that humans and animals don't lose homes and even their lives.

1 comment:

Eid Al Qubaisi said...
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